Smilende dame jobber på datamaskin

About us

The story behind Smarte Hoder

Thanks to over 20 years’ experience within staffing and recruitment of executives and professionals, I can offer you a precise and effective recruitment process.

I’ve been responsible for setting up recruitment solutions since 1998 across a range of disciplines, including accounting, bookkeeping and finance, search & selection, and technology. I’ve also been the co-founder of several businesses, something that has helped shape my business understanding. One of the things I’ve developed is an excellent understanding of the requirements and problems involved in the development of concepts, routines, processes and systems for operational and commercial use.

I’ve helped many executives in different industry sectors to meet requirements for staffing and recruitment at local and national level.

I’m a certified user of several renowned and DNV-approved profile analysis programs for occupational psychology tests from leading companies, and can find the right person for the right job.

Anette Wilstrup Torgersen, Daglig leder & gründer av Smarte Hoder AS

Anette Wilstrup Torgersen, CEO and founder of Smarte Hoder AS