To hender mot hverandre


1. Mapping

Who is best suited? What does it mean to be suitable for a particular position? Can the sum of the criteria defined in the job analysis ensure that we recruit the most suitable candidates? Yes, that should certainly be the result. But getting there requires the work of the preparatory job analysis.

The term ‘best fit’ has many nuances. Most agree that best fit goes far eyond formal qualifications. For example, there may be clear requirements for personal qualities and behavior, awareness of one’s own values and a high degree of integrity.

Candidates who contribute to the achievement of the organization’s goals and build a positive cultural element in the organization through their actions are obviously suitable. The important thing is to find the best fit among those qualified.

  • Mapping with client: define job requirements
  • Organizational mapping: unit’s organization, reporting lines, environment, challenges, market, key figures, competitors, etc.
  • Job description: responsibilities and tasks
  • Competence requirements: qualifications, academia background and experience
  • Assess and define suitability: behavior, motivation, personality, abilities and skills
  • Candidate conditions: salary, bonus, pension and other benefits
  • Tentative progress plan