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Top Management

Top Management

Smarte Hoder offers recruitment services for executives at various levels within organisations. Our expertise spans a wide range of leadership roles, including senior management.

Our aim is to offer tailor-made recruitment processes for each individual position we work with. We conduct thorough interviews to understand the candidates’ skills, experiences and whether they fit into the culture. At the same time, we take our customers’ needs and requirements into account.

We have an extensive database and network which means that we can effectively find candidates for top management positions in various industries and sectors. We work with companies within finance, accounting and auditing, technology, mining, industrial production, oil services, aviation and logistics to name a few.

Regardless of whether your company is looking for an experienced manager with international experience or a young and dynamic manager at the start of their career, we will help you find the perfect candidate.

Management positions that are focused on include:

  • CEO – Chief executive, responsible for goals and strategies
  • CCO – Responsible for commercial strategy and results
  • CCO – Responsible for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations
  • CDO – Responsible for digital transformation and implementation of digital strategies
  • CFO – Responsible for financial management and financial decisions
  • CHRO – Responsible for strategic HR management
  • CPO – Responsible for the management and development of human resources
  • CIO – Responsible for IT strategy and technology implementation
  • CLO – Responsible for legal affairs and compliance with laws
  • CMO – Responsible for marketing strategy and branding
  • COO – Responsible for daily operations and operational efficiency
  • CSCO – Responsible for supply and distribution chain
  • CSO – Responsible for long-term strategy
  • CTO – Responsible for technology strategy and innovation.